On September 16, 2023, the renowned Toronto-based Chinese nonprofit organization, the Camping and Caravanning Association of America (CCAA), proudly announced its official rebranding as the Ai Rong Association (ARA).
The Ai Rong Association has its roots in the CCAA, a nonprofit organization founded in 2015 in Ontario, Canada, by a group of passionate Chinese individuals who love life, community, and outdoor activities. For years, the association has been dedicated to introducing RV camping and various outdoor experiences—a cherished part of North American culture—to its members, especially newcomers. Through these activities, CCAA has helped countless individuals adapt to their new home, embrace a positive and healthy lifestyle, and build meaningful connections within the community.
Over the past eight years, CCAA has independently organized nearly 200 high-quality public events, offering iconic Canadian experiences on water, land, and air. To further support Chinese immigrants, especially newcomers, in adjusting to Canadian life, the organization also established clubs for reading, photography, and badminton. These diverse and enriching activities have been warmly embraced by members and the broader community, fostering joy and belonging.
As the immigrant population has grown, especially in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, CCAA has expanded its focus to address a wider range of community needs. These include healthcare, senior care, protecting the rights of minorities, youth education, and mental health support.
To better reflect the team’s mission of "empowering through love" and their dedication to creating a harmonious community, the association decided to rebrand itself as the Ai Rong Association. The name symbolizes the blending of resources and the spirit of compassion, aiming to help people of all ages and backgrounds integrate into Canada’s multicultural society with ease and confidence.
Carmen Gao, the founder of CCAA and now the leader of the Ai Rong Association, extended her heartfelt gratitude on behalf of the team and volunteers to all members, community partners, media friends, organizations, and government agencies for their unwavering support of CCAA over the past eight years. She proudly revealed the association’s new name, beautifully inscribed by Chinese calligrapher Mr. Gu Weiqi. Carmen shared that the name "Ai Rong Association" reflects the Chinese community’s values of social responsibility, inclusiveness, gratitude, and collaboration. It also enhances the organization’s visibility, attracting more volunteers and supporters to join in building a healthy, harmonious community.
Love connects us, and unity helps us thrive together.
From now on, the Ai Rong Association will officially replace the former Camping and Caravanning Association of America (CCAA). The Ai Rong team and its dedicated volunteers will continue to serve the community with love, working hand in hand with compassionate individuals and organizations to fulfill the shared mission of creating a better, stronger, and more caring community.